Here, he pairs it up with an unstructured jacket and what is easily the most beautiful backdrop yet featured in a Style Share return.

It even has a really cool story behind it, and I'll let him tell it...
I am currently working on an oral history project on the Yellowtail Dam in Montana, and I wore the tie recently while doing a couple of interviews with people involved in building that dam. Unfortunately, I forgot to have someone take a photo, so I shot this with the timer function on my camera.
As a fan of both oral history (Studs Terkel is one of my favorite catalogers of American history) and big sky country, this photo is great for so many reasons, including the tie playing perfectly off the colors of the beautiful countryside.
Thanks to Shawn for participating and sending back such a cool photo.
Don't know where in the midwest you are..however I'm in the Ann Arbor area, and I think we must thrift in the same stores! I just saw this exact same tie, I was going to purchase but decided to pass.