Friday, April 23, 2010

A life in zippers

I've had a crazy busy week, but in case you missed it, I highly recommend this article from the NY Times about Eddie Feibusch, one of the last zipper men standing.

Mr. Feibusch

Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times

I love articles about people like Mr. Feibusch, because I work at a computer for 9 hours a day or more and sometimes relish the thought of working with something so tactile and basic and yet, so essential. He's a human card catalog weaving between the stacks and it made me smile reading it.

How many zippers does he have? "One million, millions, I don't know — more than a million," said Mr. Feibusch, 86, a zipper man going on 70 years. His Web site plays Sinatra singing "New York, New York" and says, "Unzipping America since 1941." Of course he has a Web site. This is 2010.

Anyway, he can find you a zipper. "Tell me what size and what length and I’ll give it to you within 30 seconds," he vowed.

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